Missin' These 7 Principles for Sustainable Wellness Routines? πŸ‘€



Heeeeyyyy Reader,

The basics of wellness routines are pretty well-known right? A crash course in practicing a lifestyle of wellness πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

  • Understand wellness is holistic and goes beyond physical health. I teach my clients about the 4 domains of wellness: mental, spiritual, physical and financial.
  • Prioritizing your wellness is crucial to practicing a lifestyle of wellness. It's not just a thing to do when you have time.
  • Build a support system of women who also believes wellness is a lifestyle. This makes it easier to stick to your wellness routines.

But if you want to create sustainable wellness routines, you'll need to honor these 7 principles.

Creating a sustainable wellness routine for busy, ambitious women involves several key principles that ensure the routine is both effective and manageable within their hectic schedules. Here are some factors that contribute to sustainability:

πŸ’ŽFlexibility & Adaptability:

If you want your routine to be sustainable, it has to be flexible enough to adapt to your lifestyle! Too often we create unrealistic routines with little to no wiggle room. Remaining flexible is how ambitious women maintain sustainable wellness practices!

πŸ’ŽRealistic, Attainable Goals:

If you reeeaaallly want to live a lifestyle of wellness, you've got to set REALISTIC goals! It's crucial - I mean like a non-negotiable Reader! Busy women need to make sure their routines fit seamlessly into their daily lives, like a quick 20 min workout or setting a timer for 5 mins to brain dump and clear your head. This way wellness isn't a burden, but integrated into your routines.

πŸ’ŽIncremental Changes:

Small, incremental changes over drastic overhauls wins any day when it comes to wellness! It also makes it easier to stick to the routine. For example, if you want to cook more, start by cooking at home 1-2 days a week and build on your success from there. You can do it, I believe in you Reader! πŸŽ‰

πŸ’ŽPrioritize Wellness:

Ambitious women often juggle multiple roles, whiiiich leads to them neglecting themselves. Prioritizing simple wellness activities, such as regular breaks during the work day, unwinding relaxation techniques, and enjoying your hobbies, helps maintain overall health, making the routine sustainable in the long run.

πŸ’ŽConsistency Over Intensity:

What's the difference between her (you know that woman who never ceases to amaze you? Yeaaa her!)? Consistency! Your consistency is more important that intensity Reader! Regular, moderate activities AKA finding your Optimal Levels of Functioningβ„’ -- way more sustainable than sporadic, intense efforts. It's also a simple way to dodge burnout!

πŸ’ŽIntegration into Daily Life:

A very simple life hack: create routines instead of schedules. Of course you have to stick to a schedule in some things, but there should be some white space or flexibility in your daily schedule to plug in your routines. Routines allow you to be flexible in the amount of time you dedicate to the activity so you still reap the benefits. Example: if you journal for 45 mins at 7 am daily, but wake up late you've missed your essential time. If your morning routine includes journaling, it doesn't matter what time you wake up. You could journal for 5 mins or 35 mins and it will still be effective.

πŸ’ŽSupport Systems:

You can't do life alone... but you already knew that Reader! It's why you're here, part of The Abundant Life Society because you know you need to be connected to likeminded women to help keep you motivated. Accountability enhances the sustainability of your wellness routines. Get connected and watch your wellness improve!

Speaking of support systems, I'm throwing this OG prayer for resetting your relationships into this week's email! It's less than 15 mins and if you've been wondering what the heck is happening with your relationships lately, tap in and allow God to minister to you sis! πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Trust me Reader, if you focus on these principles, you -- even as busy as you are right now --- can create wellness routines that are sustainable!

Well that's all I have for you this week Reader! As usual, if you have any questions, hit reply and let's chat!


PS. Ready to live lavishly Reader? Let us help you upgrade your wellness routines! πŸ‘‡πŸ½


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Dr. Seida Hood

Ready to redefine leadership without compromising your wellness? Unlock the FREE Aligned Ambition Bundleβ„’ featuring my 3-Part Method to optimize daily living! It's time to confidently embrace your ambition without guilt and make wellness your lifestyle! You're also signing up to receive weekly emails from me - absolutely NO spam ever! Pinky promise. Check out some of my past emails below for a sample of what you can expect.

Read more from Dr. Seida Hood
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